About Dr. Geffen Godder
Dr. Godder's professional work has spanned a variety of clinical, research, and educational settings. She has extensive experience conducting individual, family, play, and parent-child dyadic therapies, school observations, consultations, and has run numerous therapeutic groups. She received the Mitchell Leaska dissertation award from New York University (NYU) for her research examining the effects of parental death and trauma on children. Her clinical areas of expertise include working with clients who are dealing with significant life transitions, stressors, and changes.
Education and Background
Dr. Godder received her doctorate from NYU and completed her child and family clinical psychology internship at St. Luke’s – Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City.
While training in New York, Dr. Godder's extensive clinical experience included training with the NYC Department of Education, Abraham Joshua Heschel School, Beth Israel Medical Center Department of Psychiatry, St. Luke's Adolescent Day Treatment Program, NYU University Counseling Center, and A Caring Hand, Bereavement Center.
In addition to her clinical training, Dr. Godder participated in a randomized treatment outcome clinical trial, and a NIMH sponsored prevention study at the NYU Child Study Center.
After receiving her Ph.D., Dr. Godder worked as a psychologist at the Parent-Infant Center at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital, and as an adjunct professor of psychology at NYU, teaching both undergraduate and graduate students. Following her move to Florida, Dr. Godder managed the school, child, and family program at the Faulk Center for Counseling and was the doctoral candidates' clinical supervisor.
She is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and a board member of the Florida Psychological Association (FPA).